Adhatoda Vasica, also known as Adulsa extract or Vasa or Vasaka, is
a significant herb that grows in the plains of all of India and in the lower Himalayas
up to a height of 1000 meters above sea level. Other tropical regions also cultivate
this plant. It thrives in dry soil and low moisture environments. Adhatoda vasica's
leaves, roots, and flowers have long been used widely in traditional Indian medicine to
treat respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchial inflammation, coughing fits, and
other problems with the lungs and bronchioles. Vasaka's calming effects assist soothe
throat discomfort, and its expectorant effects help break up phlegm deposits in the
airways and aid eliminate them.
Adulsa or Vasa is said to have Kapha/Pitta
dosha-reducing effects in Ayurveda, which aid in lowering excessive body heat. Vasaka
powder aids in blood purification and has fever-reducing qualities. Adulsa powder also
supports healthy blood sugar levels and cardiac function.
Vasaka contains the
alkaloid Vasicine, which has demonstrated significant bronchodilator efficacy, according
to chemical analysis. Adulsa powder should be regularly taken on an empty stomach in the
morning and evening with warm water or honey to assist alleviate symptoms of coughing
and dyspnea brought on by bronchial spasms. Internal and external bleeding caused by
peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, and bleeding gums have all been controlled with its
treatment. Vasaka powder water extract aids in adequate oxygen intake and lung health,
which in turn supplies oxygenated blood to the heart muscles and other organs.
External: Applying a hot fomentation of dried leaf powder and hot water
to joints can help to relieve discomfort and swelling.