Greater galangal, Mahabharivach, and Kulinjan Southeast Asia uses [Botanical Name: Alpinia galangal], a plant from the ginger family, as a cooking ingredient. Greater galangal trees, known as kulanjans, are frequently found in Bengal region and South India. Kulanjan's dried rhizome is ground into a powder that is widely utilized for a variety of therapeutic applications. The herb kulanjan has a strong spicy flavor and is quite fragrant. According to Ayurveda, Kulanjan has a hot potency that helps to remove mucus and open airways for healthy breathing. Kulinjan may assist broncho-dialation, which eases chest congestion and sore throats. Greater galangal is advised by Ayurveda for oral and vocal issues. According to Ayurveda, Kulinjan can help the body's vitiated Vata and Kapha Dosha.
According to scientific research, the highest source of antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for both skin and hair care is kulanjan extract. According to reports, kulinjan extract has great anti-inflammatory qualities, which aids treatment for joint pain, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Kulinjan encourages easing of discomfort brought on by ulcers and gut inflammation. Kulinjan also enhances cardiac health and helps the body's blood circulation. Kulinjan supports healthy urine functioning and low blood glucose levels. Gargling with kulanjan water extract may assist to lessen bad breath and treat dental issues. Kulinjan may aid people with excessive blood sugar in managing urine incontinence.