Herb senna extract is frequently used for its laxative effects. Anthraquinones, sennosides, and various lesser sennosides have all been found in Cassia Angustifolia Extract and all seem to contribute to the laxative effect. These substances smooth and relax the tissues as food passes through the intestines, acting as a laxative. It provides relief from a fever brought on by an excess of Pitta and aids in the elimination of vitiated and putrefied Pitta by motion.
It encourages treating ascitis (fluid buildup in the peritoneum) with additional medications. It helps remove toxins from the intestines and from the skin layer. It lessens the severity of a cough and assists in clearing out additional mucus from the lungs.
Additionally, it has been discovered that the aloe-emodin and beta-sitosterol components of senna have an inhibiting effect on mouse cancer cells.