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Aerva Lanata extract | Pola Pola extract

Botanical Name : Aerva Lanata Extract
Common Name : Pola Pola Extract
Assay : 3% Polyphenols by UV
Applications : Kidney care Agent, Anti-Oxidant Agent
Product Usage : Anti-oxidant, Hepatitis, Diuretic

Description :

Extract of Aerva Lanata It relieves back and neck discomfort, fever, and issues with the urine, and it controls the body's metabolism. Hepatitis and liver inflammation are regarded to be treatable conditions with Aerva Lanata. It works well to treat stranguria, a condition marked by painful or frequent urination.

Aerva lanata, sometimes referred to as "Mountain knotgrass" or "Pulicha Keerai" in Tamil, is a plant that is widely distributed throughout Asia, particularly in India. It has been employed in conventional medicine for a number of conditions, including the treatment of kidney stones, uTIs, and diarrhea.

The possible health advantages of an extract from Aerva lanata have been investigated. According to certain research, the extract contains anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Additionally, it might have a diuretic effect that could be beneficial for treating disorders like edema and high blood pressure.

Aerva lanata extract also has the potential to be used as a natural diabetic treatment. It may aid in controlling blood sugar levels and enhancing insulin sensitivity, according to some research.

Applications of Aerva Lanata extract:

  1. Anti-inflammatory characteristics: Aerva Lanata extract is used to treat inflammation throughout the body because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Antioxidant properties: Aerva Lanata extract possesses antioxidant properties that aid in scavenging free radicals and preventing oxidative cell damage.
  3. Anti-diabetic properties: Aerva Lanata extract is used to treat diabetes and related consequences because research has proven that it contains anti-diabetic qualities.
  4. Antimicrobial qualities: Aerva Lanata extract is used to treat a variety of bacterial and fungal illnesses because it contains antimicrobial characteristics.
  5. Anti-cancer properties: Aerva Lanata extract is used to stop the growth and spread of cancer cells because research has proven that it contains anti-cancer effects.
  6. Liver protection: Protection of the liver from damage brought on by toxins and other hazardous substances: Aerva Lanata extract has been demonstrated to have hepatoprotective effects.
  7. Healing of wounds: Aerva Lanata extract has been demonstrated to hasten wound healing and is used to treat a variety of wound types.


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