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Dolichos Biflorus Extract

Botanical Name : Dolichos Biflorus Macrotyloma Uniflorum Extract
Common Name : Kulthi Extract
Assay : 40% - 50% Saponnins by Gravimetry
Applications : Anti-Oxidant Agent, Heart Protective Agent, Kidney Care Agent
Product Usage : Anti-hyperglycemic, Anti-oxidant, Uterus stimulant

Description :

Dolichos biflorus, also known as kulthi, is a branching, suberect, and downing herb that is endemic to most of India and may be found up to 1000 m above sea level. The seeds can be cooked and consumed. To some extent, nutrition is important for boosting immunity and preventing noncommunicable diseases. The kulthi extract contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, carbohydrates, proteins, and tannins, which may help explain its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, according to a phytochemical investigation. The Dolichos biflorus or Kulthi seed is used in Ayurveda to cure a variety of conditions, including piles, joint pain and inflammation, constipation, urinary calculi, cough, edema, asthma, leucorrhoea, etc. A prepared soup or seed extract is also helpful for enlarged liver and spleen.

According to reports, the Kulthi seeds exhibit antilithiatic, antihepatotoxic, and hypolipidemic activity and help lower blood sugar and total cholesterol.



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